The OECD initiative for an assessment of higher education learning outcomes
Intellectual Economics
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Title |
The OECD initiative for an assessment of higher education learning outcomes
EBPO iniciatyva vertinant aukštojo mokslo rezultatus |
Creator |
Lalancette, Diane
Subject |
higher education; learning outcomes; economics; engineering; generic skills; international; measures; assessment
I21; I23; F55 aukštasis mokslas; mokymo rezultatai; ekonomika; inžinerija; tarptautinės priemonės; įvertinimas I21; I23; F55 |
Description |
At a time when innovation, knowledge and human capital are at the core of our economies and societies’ progress, higher education has a key role to play in preparing students to become effective workers and citizens. The OECD has a long standing interest in improving the quality of higher education to equip the next generation with the tools and opportunities for success. But we need to first overcome information gaps in the evidence base on learning. Therefore, the AHELO feasibility study is a groundbreaking attempt to assess whether it is possible to measure on an international scale what undergraduate students know and can do. To provide proof of concept, the AHELO feasibility study is exploring several areas from generic skills to discipline-specific competencies with economics and engineering being the focus at this stage. The aim is to develop different measures, ranging from cumulative performance to measures that capture the learning gain at an institution, as well as the contextual factors that influence learning outcomes. This paper provides an overview of the AHELO feasibility study, its goals, its approach and expected outcomes as well as the status of the project and its next phases.
Inovacijos, žinios ir žmogiškasis kapitalas yra ekonomikos ir visuomenės pažangos pagrindas, o aukštojo mokslo įstaigos atlieka labai svarbų vaidmenį rengiant specialistus ir ugdant jų pilietinį sąmoningumą. EBPO numato ilgalaikius aukštojo išsilavinimo kokybės gerinimo tikslus siekiant ateinančioms kartoms suteikti kuo daugiau sėkmingos veiklos priemonių bei galimybių. AHELO tyrimas yra svarbus bandymas įvertinti, ar įmanoma tarptautiniu mastu išmatuoti, ką moka ir gali atlikti baigiantieji bakalauro studijas – pradedant bendraisiais įgūdžiais ir baigiat specialiosiomis kompetencijomis, pirmiausia ekonomikos ir inžinerijos srityje. Pasitelkiamos skirtingos vertinimo priemonės, pradedant suvestiniu atlikimu ir baigiant padedančiomis nustatyti mokymosi institucijoje naudą bei susijusius veiksnius, nuo kurių priklauso mokymosi rezultatai. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami AHELO tyrimo tikslai, metodai, laukiami rezultatai bei tolesni jo etapai. |
Publisher |
Mykolas Romeris University
Contributor |
— |
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info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — — |
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Source |
Intellectual Economics; Vol 2, No 8 (2010): Intellectual Economics; 39–46
Intelektinė ekonomika; Vol 2, No 8 (2010): Intellectual Economics; 39–46 1822-8038 1822-8011 |
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