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Intellectual Society, Knowledge Economy and Cohesion Processes in the European Union: New Challenges and Priorities

Intellectual Economics

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Title Intellectual Society, Knowledge Economy and Cohesion Processes in the European Union: New Challenges and Priorities
Intelektuali visuomenė, žinių ekonomika ir sanglaudos procesai Europos Sąjungoje: nauji iššūkiai ir prioritetai
Creator Melnikas, Borisas
Subject intellectualization; knowledge-based society; knowledge economy; cohesion; European Union; European integration; principles and regularities
A10; F01; F59; O39; Q59
intelektualizavimas; žiniomis grįsta visuomenė; žinių ekonomika; sanglauda; Europos Sąjunga; Europos integracija; principai ir dėsningumai
A10; F01; F59; O39; Q59
Description New challenges and priorities of social and economic modernization processes in the context of European integration and enlargement of the European Union are analysed in this theoretical article. Main attention is paid to the intellectualization of society in the social, economic and cultural space of the European Union, especially to the processes of knowledgebased society and knowledge economy creation, as well as to the cohesion processes in the European Union. It is shown that the creation of a knowledge-based society and knowledge economy could be described as the main direction of the processes of intellectualization of the society and of the societal life in the social, economic and cultural space of the European Union. Cohesion processes as an especially important factor of the processes of intellectualization of society and societal life, as well as of the processes of European integration and enlargement of the European Union are analyzed. The needs of cohesion and possibilities to activate cohesion in the context of general processes of European integration and of the further enlargement of the European Union, as well as in the context of the creation of a knowledge-based society and knowledge economy, are discussed. This article raises and considers the problem of intellectualization of society and of societal life, the problem of social, economic and political development, cultural changes, the new tendencies of technological progress and environmental protection , closely associated with the cohesion processes, taking place under the conditions of European integration and the European Union’s development and enlargement. It is shown that the cohesion processes determine the basic changes in contemporary society and its life in the common cultural, social and economic space in the European Union. The main principles of cohesion are formulated and described; the role and significance of these principles are discussed. The main regularities of cohesion are characterized. The priorities of the creation of a knowledge-based society and knowledge economy, as well as of innovative development and technological progress are defined as the main priorities of cohesion in the European Union. The variety of the processes of intellectualization of society and societal life, as well as the variety of the cohesion processes in the European Union is described; new trends of cohesion in the context of globalization and internationalization, knowledge-based society and knowledge economy creation processes are identified. Scientific research on the intellectualization of society in the social, economic and cultural space of the European Union, especially to the processes of knowledge-based society and knowledge economy creation, as well as to the cohesion processes in the European Union, is identified as a perspective way of deepening and improvement intellectual economics.
Straipsnis yra teorinio pobūdžio, jame nagrinėjami nauji iššūkiai ir socialinės bei ekonominės raidos prioritetai, pasireiškiantys šiuolaikinėmis Europos integracijos bei Europos Sąjungos plėtros sąlygomis. Pagrindinis dėmesys yra teikiamas visuomenės ir jos gyvenimo intelektualizavimo procesams Europos Sąjungos socialinėje, ekonominėje, kultūros erdvėje, parodant, kad šie procesai yra neatskirtini nuo žiniomis grįstos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesų ir yra vertintini kaip svarbiausieji procesai Europos Sąjungos raidai, plėtrai ir pažangai charakteringų procesų visumoje. Straipsnyje didelis dėmesys yra skiriamas įvairioms aplinkybėms, kurios pasireiškia Europos Sąjungoje vykstančios sanglaudos srityje. Beje, sanglaudos tematika ir problematika aptariama intelektualizavimo bei žiniomis grįstos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesų ir problemų suvokimo bei nagrinėjimo kontekste.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2013-05-14
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Intellectual Economics; Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Intellectual economics; 7-28
Intelektinė ekonomika; Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Intellectual economics; 7-28
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Intellectual Economics