Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics
http://wrlae.prawo.uni.wroc.pl/index.php/wrlae/indexThe semi-annual "Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration and Economics" is addressed to all those interested in the subjects of the legal cultures, administrative systems and economies of New Europe. The journal’s subject matter is centred on the point of contact of three disciplines which history and pragmatics have bound together tightly. In a broad sense, it is an English-language periodical dedicated to the issues of globalization and transformation expressed simultaneously from the legal, administrative and economic perspectives. Similarly to the city of Wrocław, regarded as a symbolic junction and a place of penetration of various cultures and traditions, this journal is one of meetings; a publication that unites and is intended to serve the exchange of academic thought that characterises the heritage of both the East and the West, with an emphasis on knowledge of central and eastern European legal, administrative and economic systems. For this reason the proposed research perspective takes into account both the Polish body of academic work and an international/comparative perspective, at present quite strongly represented in the research and teaching conducted at the Wrocław University Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics where the idea of founding the new journal was born. The ambition of the Wrocław Review, within the framework given above, is to open its pages to new areas of activity in law, administration and economics that are the result of transformations in the modern world and in particular societies, but also in the liberal arts, the hard sciences and medicine. Such sources of inspiration, intended to lead to new perspectives on research problems and conclusions flowing from their exploration, are to characterise the functioning of the journal from the very beginning.
Type | OAI | |
OAI Base URL | http://wrlae.prawo.uni.wroc.pl/index.php/wrlae/oai |
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