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American International Journal of Economics and Finance Research

The scope of AIJEFR includes the fields in the economics & finance such as Asset pricing, Bankruptcy prediction and determinants, Corporate finance, International finance, Financial derivatives, Rural finance, Insurance, Fixed income securities, Alternative investments, Portfolio and security analysis, Time value of money, Credit risk modelling and management, Financial engineering, Foreign exchange markets, Law and finance, Mergers and acquisitions, Mutual funds management, Portfolio management, Regulations of financial markets, Venture capital, Microcredit, Valuation, Risk and return, Liquidity management, Foreign direct investment, Financial accounting, Financial statement analysis, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics models,. Asset-liability management, Bank assurance, Banking crises, Corporate governance, Derivatives and structured financial products, Efficiency and performance of financial institutions and bank branches, Financing decisions of banks, Investment banking, Management of financial institutions, Technological progress and banking, Foreign exchange management, Conventional vs. Non-conventional banking, Internet banking, Mobile banking, Retail banking, E-banking, CSR of bank, SMEs banking etc.

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