Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l’économie sociale (ANSERJ - ) is an online open access English and French peer-review publication. ANSERJ is dedicated to providing a stimulating and vibrant forum for the open dissemination of contemporary high-quality, peer-reviewed research on nonprofits and the social economy. This journal is intended to contribute to extending and linking the value of nonprofit and social economy research relationships across Canada and throughout the world. ANSERJ is multi-disciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary. High quality theoretically based, empirically grounded research and applied research from different perspectives is welcome to further the frontiers between theory and practice. ANSERJ is the official journal of the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES). ANSER/ARES members receive pre-publication access to the journal.
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