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European Journal of Economic and Financial Research

European Journal of Economic and Financial Research (2501-9430) is an international open access peer-reviewed periodical focused on publication of theoretical and empirical research articles in economics and finance and related fields, such as decision disciplines, marketing, management and accounting. Its main emphasis is on experimental and practical research concentrating on strategy, consequence and applicability of the conclusions. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research is published quarterly on-line in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Research papers accepted: articles, communications, intervention studies, study cases, book reviews, commentaries, short reports, etc. Printed copies of the journal are available on request.The main objective of this academic publication is to create an exchange platform between researchers, teachers and scholars that study, teach, learn or are connected to the educational or educational associated disciplines. Our aim is to build and maintain a mutually beneficial and long-term bidirectional informational dialogue among our authors and beneficiaries of the published research. Its principal scope is to disseminate the latest research findings and scientific advances in the educational field of study, exploring traditional and modern tendencies, observing social and cultural effects and investigating interdisciplinary methodologies. We invite our collaborators to actively participate with their latest scientific research, with their theoretical and practical experience at the development of this informational platform as a novel tool for the advancement of educational science. Our publication provides an active instrument to the authors for publishing and distributing their achievements world-wide according with the Open Access policies and methods as well as a powerful tool for the researcher in order to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge for future research projects.

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