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The Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Management of Innovations

The Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Management Of Innovations” publishes conceptual and empirical papers with results of research conducted by academics, doctoral candidates, and leading experts in the field of innovation management. The bulletin focuses on the topics such as innovation management, innovation supporting policies of countries under conditions of globalization processes, international innovation processes, exchange of knowledge and technology, and also of applied research popularization in the previously mentioned fields. Publications might be of value for scholars, researchers, teachers, students, and those practitioners who are actively engaged in the innovation management activities.

The Bulletin comprises the results of research findings of the top specialists, scientists, candidates for degree dealing with problems of contemporary development, theory and methodology of innovation management, innovation development of the world economy countries in the age of globalization, international innovation activity development, science and technology exchange, management and marketing of scientific research, corporate management. The materials can be helpful for academic teachers, scientists, students and post-graduate students. It can be also used by general readers, which are interested in innovation management and innovation activity


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